Sunday, February 7, 2016

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey...

But I turned myself around!  Corny right? My big Fish thought it was hilarious!!

The things I say or do on a daily basis to get giggles from my Lil Mermaid and Big Fish! It's addicting!  I'll do almost anything (Who am I kidding???) ANYTHING to see them smile. But to hear that rapid, high pitch, giggle? There isn't another sound on Earth that's better! Opening a Coke and hearing that "sppssss"? Nope! Ripping the tape off Amazon packages? Not even close! Popping gigantic bubble wrap? A close second! 

I think my big Fish has figured out that making people laugh is the perfect way to make them feel better.  This kid has the best comedic timing and it's 100% natural!  He doesn't have to try or work at it. He can tell the worst jokes you have ever heard, and watching the animation in his face and the suspense before the punchline will have tears rolling down your face and leave you clutching your side!!  He's 5!  Five! 

At dinner the other night he asked his Daddy if he knew anything about the Hokey Pokey, we were waiting for the joke.  This was going to be good. Daddy told him that he knew ALL about the Hokey Pokey and that it was a song about Squirrels. (The Fish discovered Ray Stevens and absolutely can't handle "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival". <It's his Favorite song EVER! And he sings every word. I promise I'll get a good video of this soon! It's pretty much the best thing you'll ever hear! Especially when he gets berserk confused with dessert!> Anyway, since that moment, his Daddy constantly inserts squirrels into any topic just to get a giggle. Big Fish says his Daddy loves telling squirrel jokes and he thinks it's hilarious!) Back to the story, the look on his little face! You would have thought he had told him that the Mommy and Daddy were the Easter Bunny!  It was that absurd!  This was no joke! He stood up in his chair, and whispered very calmly, "it is not about squirrels Daddy. You don't know. It is a dance, and it's about life."

This is the moment things went berserk! Realizing he had an opportunity to get the Fish riled up, he repeated, "It's a song about Disney World and Squirrels!" The Fish went ballistic! He put his fist in the air and started shaking it at his Daddy! (I promise you, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!) He was getting so upset! "It is not, it is all about Life! Life, Daddy! It's all about Life!" 

At this point I lost it!!  I was laughing so hard I couldn't even see straight. The more Daddy said squirrel, the more passionate the Fish was getting! "You don't ever say that! This is not one of your squirrel jokes! It's all about life Daddy!  LIFE!" I finally got my phone out and caught the tale end. It went on for fifteen minutes! The argument had run its course. I sided with the Fish on this one. 

Later that night, the more I thought about the dinner discussion, the more I realized that my 5 year old already has it all figured out!  Let me break it down for you!  Stay with me now, your mind is about to be blown! You put something in, to the world, if you will. Then you get something back out. It's cause and effect. You get what you give, right? Then there are days when you have to shake it up. Things just aren't going as planned. Somethings gotta give! So, you shake it all around, you change directions. You turn around, and you start over. You try again!  YOU DON'T GIVE UP! THAT IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!! He was right!!!  The Hokey Pokey really is ALL about LIFE!  

Inspiring right??? This kid knows what's up!  He has figured out in 5 years, what it takes most a lifetime. If ever! 

He may be the next big thing. The new motivational speaker! He is going to get out of his van, that he lives in down by the river, pull his pants up, and explain how it all works! (If you don't catch this pop culture reference, we can no longer be friends, and I'm going to need you to stay 15 steps away at all times!)

And so, I will leave you to ponder your life choices...

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